Darkness is everywhere when the sky is moonless. Only the thin beam of a searchlight attempts to cut through the darkness, showing glimpses of stationary caravans and crouching animals.
The circus sign is a lone spark of color straining to light up the huge highway on the outskirts of Naples, where four circus families abandoned by the institutions are stuck in the hope that the pandemic will soon disappear like in a magic show. Their lives have been short circuited after four generations of conveying their marquee around the world. The artists of the traveling show begin their metamorphosis, their forced entry into the world of the “rooted,” a struggle to reinvent themselves in order to survive.
The circus has stopped, perhaps forever.
Written and Directed by Artemide Alfieri and Angelo Cretella
Original Soundtrack composed by Renato Fiorito, Antonio Raia, OEOAS
Length 68′
Country of Origin ITALIA
Language ITALIAN
Subtitles ENGLISH
Shooting Format DIGITAL4K
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Produced by CINEMA CLANDESTINO, 2021