Renato Fiorito is a sound artist, composer and electronic musician from Naples, Italy.
His aesthetics is the result of a thin balance between roaring sounds and irregular rhythms through the use of field recordings as the main material for the creation of immersive sound environments.
He is known for his numerous sound activities as the creation of high-impact performances in uncommon locations and the development of peculiar microphonic set ups. His striking site specific projects have been showed in some of the most important festivals around the globe.
He also made several compositions for contemporary dance performances, interactive installations and soundtracks for films.
His first album “Sacro Sangue” has been released by Sonorus Records in 2017, followed in 2021 by the collaborative album “Thin Reactions” with saxophonist Antonio Raia.
His new concept album LUSTRA has been published by Non Sempre Nuoce in 2023 and is dedicated to his hometown Naples.